Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Freedom of Religion....Freedom From Morons...

I am such a dreamer!

I commented on this note in the About Pagan/Wiccan group on Facebook.
The upshot of the note is that a narrow-minded shop teacher in Iowa refused to allow a Pagan student to build an altar as his class project. The teacher is quoted as saying:
"It scares me. I'm a Christian... This witchcraft stuff - it's terrible for our kids. It takes kids away from what they know, and leads them to a dark and violent life. We spend millions of tax dollars trying to save kids from that."
The Cheesy One says:
Maybe this is rude, but my knee jerk reaction is "that shop teacher is a damn idiot!"
I started becoming interested in the REAL old time religion back when dinosaurs still roamed the Earth (the early 1980's.) I encountered a lot of prejudice, but the funny thing is, the statement that got me branded a "Satan Worshiper" was not anything about my interest in the Occult but the fact that I thought that Sweden's medical system was a good one. This got me branded a "commie," which devolved into "Satan Worshiper." Sadly, we haven't come a long way, Baby.

Additional thoughts:
This teacher needs to quit taking pulls from the crack pipe of Fundamentalist Christian intolerance. The Old Religion teaches peace. I would venture to say that a nation of open-minded Pagans would be a far more peaceful one than a nation of Fundamentalists of most other creeds. I do not have anything against Christians if what is meant by Christian is a person who tries to follow the TRUE teachings of Christ: peace and tolerance. I do have a problem with the Fundamentalist McChurches, which teach hate and intolerance to their flock.

A reading from the Book of Cheese:
Thou shalt not suffer an intolerant twit to continue life unscathed without a pie to the face.

Peace, pies, and Cheese.