Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Charitable Contributions

I have decided to add the Hart Lipton scholarship fund and September School to my roster of charities to benefit from the sale of the forthcoming Cheesemeister Compendium. Hart was a friend of my son's who died at the beginning of February from an allergic reaction to peanuts. He was only 20 years old. He had bipolar disorder but was coming to terms with the self-destructive aspects of his personality through his art. September School is the school that my son attended. They have a great track record with helping at-risk youth achieve their potential. 
I really wish there was some way I could donate something to help Tom with a little money towards his wife's care and Weirdso towards her kids' college fund. Both of you have made a huge difference in the creation of the Netherworld stories. Without you, it really would never have transpired.